It's all gotta go somewhere

Happy Birthday Grandpa Ed

We were so pleased to have Dad come to town last week to celebrate his 70th birthday.

Thanks for coming all this way, Dad!

Caroline and her daughter Lucye came to town all the way from North Carolina to party with us. Lucye (3) and Dashiell were so funny together. By the end of the weekend, D was starting to get a bit jealous (working on that) but he was mostly a gracious host, sharing his toys and jabbering on with her (his speech has recently rocketed ahead). Lucye was also a trooper adjusting to the new time zone and all the activities like a champ.

On Dad’s special day we went to Salty’s for a seafood brunch. We got a sunny day and a table with a great view. Then at home we had birthday cake and presents (and presents for the little ones, too).

Dad brought D some new Thomas trains (James and a talking Percy) so he was in heaven. Amanda, thanks for all the books and videos!

“Grandpa Ed” also got a special gift from Lucye, who picked a flower on a walk, then wrapped it in her blankie, and presented it to him.

One day at the grocery store, Dad bought a pumpkin, and when we got home, he drew a face on it with a sharpie. When Dashiell saw it he said: “Ohhh! Pumpkin!” It was so cute. He wanted to eat with the pumpkin and have it next to him for the next couple of days. He must have learned the word “pumpkin” at school, since I don’t think we’ve used that word since last year!

Here are the highlights from our time together; thanks for everything, Dad!

1 Comment

  1. Grandma Bubba

    Your guest room is never empty. I bet Dash is curious about the next guest when the door opens.

    I know everyone had a great time! Good photos. Hope you get some time to rest!

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