It's all gotta go somewhere

Post Holiday Revelry

Once Jeff recovered from influenza, we had the pleasure of a few outings into town, and relaxing at home…




No vacation would be complete without a bus trip:

First (and last) tasting of flavored carbonated water:

Video of factory operation for luxury super cars, like Lamborghini–entrancing!

Practicing writing “D”s with new stocking stuffer sparkly pencils!

Loving the LED lighted cars with light up track–thanks Aunt Amanda and cousin Victor!

Thanks to Aunt Laura for the granola and pancake mix! Here we are enjoying those organic buckwheat pancakes:


We’ve noticed D gets distracted while sitting on the potty. When Grandmas Sherry was here she started playing a game with him, pretending she didn’t see him on the potty. So we started making him “privacy” with a nearby towel or shower curtain, and he loved it. That got Jeff thinking about an actual privacy screen, and since it was a holiday, he simply had to build something. This project involved sawing, routing, sanding AND sewing.




You can’t tell from this picture, but this is hinged and has 2 sides…video of it in action still to come.

1 Comment

  1. sherry

    Wow! Jeff is the best Dad ever. I’m impressed with the privacy screen! Is that little guy warm enough? He’s bundled for the artic. And, he’s awful cute.

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