It's all gotta go somewhere


D is now “reading” all the street signs we see, asking what they mean. And same for any prominent writing on packages. The other night he spotted his Weleda brand bath soap, and, as if seeing it with new eyes, asked if it said “Weiss.”

He also likes to reply, “I don’t know” when asked a question, or, when we’ve laid down a rule to be followed he’ll often quip, “I understand.” It’s also time to report that most sentences start with “I”, not “me” these days, and that it’s rare to not understand the words he’s using.

Yesterday we chased away the gray sky doldrums with a visit to Playtime PDX, an indoor playground / cafe. We were so happy to run into my new boss and her 2 little ones there–total coincidence–and one of D’s school mates (everyone is running out of playtime ideas!). When we were leaving and getting buckled into the car, I asked Jeff what the best way to get to the highway was, and D piped up and said I should use “the wayz lady” to get us home. Jeff often uses this app on his phone; it’s got a woman’s voice that talks, like any other GPS device. We have other methods of finding our way, but D likes “the waze lady” best.

A few weeks ago D let us understand he knows we have identities outside of being parents. He said and I quote, “Mommy is a Maida. Daddy is a Jeff.” He also knows that he is “Dashiell Weiss.” It’s so funny to hear him state his full name. One of the books in heavy rotation right now is a Tale of Tails, which has a boy wondering why, if all the animals have tails, doesn’t he? D recognized that the boy looked like him, asking if that was “Dashiell Weiss” in the book.

Oh, and did I mention someone’s nearly potty trained? He’s still wearing a pull-ups (often with underwear over them!) but they’re almost always dry when we get to the potty.

1 Comment

  1. Grandma Bubba

    Don’t you just marvel at how much he knows, how fast he is learning and how serious he is at learning everything! Need more “input”!

    I can’t wait to see him!

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