It's all gotta go somewhere

Slippery Fish

In the last few weeks Dashiell has been into singing songs by himself. I will often be in the other room and hear him singing snippets of nursery rhymes (and talking to his trains and stuffed animals). He really likes to sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star;” that makes sense since we often read / sing a book of the same name (with the extended lyrics, which I never knew before). But it has been a surprise to hear him sing a song he learned at school–a song that was new to us.

It’s not easy to catch him in the act when a camera is available–you may have noticed the sharp drop off in videos posted here. Where I used to have time to frame him nicely and maybe even angle him towards the best light, I’m lucky now to get a recording at all.

Here he is, singing his really big hit, “Slippery Fish” (lyrics follow, which I know thanks to him reciting pieces of the song yesterday), using the iPad camera and poor lighting, but still a winner!

If your browser isn’t HTML 5 ready, click here to see the video in a new window:

Slippery fish, slippery fish,
swimming in the water,
Slippery fish, slippery fish–Gulp! Gulp!
Oh, no! He was eaten by a…
Humongous whale, humongous whale,
swimming in the water
Humongous whale, humongous whale,–Gulp! Gulp!
Oh, no! He was eaten by a…
Great white shark, great white shark…


  1. sherry

    Well, how cute is that!!!

  2. Grandma Bubba

    I cant get the last two videos to play. 🙁

    • Maida

      Sorry Beverly–check the posts now.

  3. Grandma Bubba

    Sorry…still wont work.

    • Maida

      Try re-loading the page (ctrl + R). You should see an orange “click here.” Are you using Chrome?

  4. Grandpa Ed

    The new singer to take over from Sinatra, et all.
    I want to be the agent ! ??

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