It's all gotta go somewhere

Four, Now!

Oh boy! What excitement! The garden birthday party was a success. I heard Kennedy say at the end, “I want my party to be just like Dashiell’s party.” That was a great compliment coming from the girl who had an elaborate Super Hero-themed party last January (extensive super hero games, costumes, and catered, with a heated tent!)

As I write this D is trying to take a nap. I’m watching him on the video feed. Every time I look his legs are in the air. Suspect this will be his 7th straight day without a nap…

Some of that may be related to the trip we took last Sunday to the fire station. For months we’d been explaining to D that once he turned 4 he could no longer have the pacifier (“it says so, right on the package”). D got the idea that he could turn in his paci to the fire fighters, and they could give it to another child. So last Sunday we did just that, stopping at a station not near us, lest he be constantly reminded. We rang the bell and D handed his paci over on his own. The firefighter promised he would give the paci to another boy who was much younger, (“zero” according to D).


  1. Grandma Beverly

    Wow! Now that is a party! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Love that Joe made it to the party and got to spend some time with everyone.

    Your little boy isn’t so little anymore. He is growing so fast.
    Adorable! I love him and miss all of you!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    That was a perfect way to send off the paci! Good job. How is he without it?

    • Maida

      There has been some backlash but we’d seen his behavior “evolving” before the paci went away too…but 4 is not without its challenges!

  3. Grandma Lori

    What cuties! I love to see Dashiell so happy with his little friends. Such great memories!

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