It's all gotta go somewhere

Young Biker Pedals Through Sunday Parkways

While packing up the car to head out to last month’s Sunday Parkways, we realized the old Skuut balance bike had a compromised tire and a loose screw on the rear axle had damaged the bike significantly and was really beyond easy repair.

The time had arrived to purchase a real big boy pedal bike (with training wheels)! I had been eyeing them at various consignment shops but it was hard to judge what size he needed. Never having enough time to plan for these things, we broke down and headed over to Toys ‘R Us to buy a new bike…

Here’s Dad putting it together outside of the store, with his helper.



D was a bit nervous riding the bike for the first couple of hours, having to learn how to coordinate both steering and braking (and look straight ahead!!). He was very cautious at intersections and driveways, which is something I am really happy about. We headed to Laurelhurst Park and found some quiet and relatively flat paths for him to build his confidence on. Here he is at those first moments of realizing he can control the bike, and starting to relax and enjoy the ride.



Since we thought here would be water activities in this park, he’s wearing his swim gear, which, on a bike, looks oddly like legitimate hi-tech biking wear. Check him out later in the afternoon, looking like a regular Portland bike junkie.



In the 3 weeks since, he is much more confident, but is still choosing his push scooter over the bike in many circumstances.



  1. sherry

    Oh My!! So big and is doing so well. Great pictures, thank you!

  2. Beverly

    He looks like a Pro! Watch out world. I see a lifelong biker in the making.
    Dash looks like a natural and a distance biker. How wonderful for family outings! He is so blessed to have the incredible parents he has.

    And you both are so blessed to have such a remarkable boy!

  3. sherry

    Does it have hand brakes or foot brakes?

  4. ed

    hand brakes

  5. sherry

    I was watching video again and noticed that he’ll need a new bike soon, as he is so tall that his knees will be hitting the handlebars soon.

  6. Maida

    Yes, we wanted to get him the next size up but he just wasn’t quite comfortable enough.

  7. ed

    Great new bike and Dash loves it

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