It's all gotta go somewhere

Young Two Wheeler

It seems incredible that it was only last fall that D started riding an actual kid bike with training wheels, having graduated from his balance bike. Remember that first day on the new bike, riding through Laurelhurst Park in Portland as part of Sunday Parkways?  (Here is the blog post).

Well about a  six weeks ago, the training wheels came off. He decided it was time; he was perhaps inspired by the idea of purchasing a gleaming new 20″ bike he’d seen with Daddy at Camas Bike and Sport: you can’t put training wheels on a big boy 20″ bike.

The amazing bit was he just got on an rode his 2 wheeled bike, without training wheels, without help, effortlessly.

Here he is back on August 9 riding his bike for the very first time.

Don’t you love how he put on his knee pads and wrist guards? I think having the gear is a large motivator…you know how he likes his “styles.”

And here he is a mere week later, riding on a real bike path, down the middle of the highway no less!










1 Comment

  1. Grandma Beverly

    OMG! He is born to ride a bike! I can’t believe have fast he learned and how fearless and un-distracted he is on the middle of the highway! Remarkable!

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