It's all gotta go somewhere

Cars, Buses, Ferries and Bridges

Grandpa Don and Grandma Lori visited us for a week of adventure crossing international borders and braving the high seas, not to mention a very long walk through Portland and over the new Tilikum Crossing “Bridge of the People” (see future post!)

We always look forward to their annual visit, but this trip was extra special since we all packed up the rented mini van and headed north to beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.  Although it was a bit of a long drive, they persevered. Some use of devices didn’t hurt.



GL and GD even put up with our untraditional choice of accommodation in an off-the-beaten-path residential neighborhood (the basement unit was just perfect for 2 nights and gentle on the pocketbook as well).  Lori and I explored the local markets on Hastings Street with me and we returned to our little hamlet with Chinese pastries, Thai produce and Italian olives and cheese!IMG_3452

Jeff had been looking forward to having an authentic Japanese Ramen House dining adventure, and we didn’t have long to wait. On the first night we set off for what appeared to be the best ramen in town (line out the door, cheap, full of Japanese people). It was a cold rainy day and the thought of hunkering down over a steaming bowl of house-made noodles and nourishing broth was just the ticket. Although D had had a meltdown earlier (no nap, long day, very excited) he turned it around and was on his best behavior sitting at the counter with GL and GD  (thank you!). We all learned the proper and polite way to slurp up ramen noodles–this cools them as you eat and shows your appreciation;  D took right to it! Jeff naturally ordered the spiciest, most garlic laden version.


Next morning it was off to one of the main reasons we chose the destination: riding a car ferry in the BC ferry system. This had been talked about for some months, while poring over the details of the Mighty Machines episode on the subject. D and I had set up a ferry for his toy cars and practiced loading and unloading the cars many times, with D sometimes wearing his reflective vest and pretending to direct traffic. So it was with elation that the ferry day finally came–a 20 minute ride over to Bowen Island (which turns out to be one of those when-we-win-the-lottery home destinations).

It was a dramatic fall day day, with soft overcast skies, watercolor clouds and thankfully calm seas:

The next day we headed to the Capilano Bridge which has expanded considerably since I was last there; it now has a tree canopy walk and a cliff hanger experience! Dashiell did kiddo activities, finding things on his map, and getting his “passport” stamped at various stations in the treetops. AND we had an amazing gelato bar there.

After a long day of swinging in the trees, the boys took a public bus from downtown Vancouver all the way back to our cozy little apartment for a night of good sleep.

Back home, we made good old fashioned American S’mores for Grandma’s birthday!

Thank you Grandma Lori and Grandpa Don for your patience, company and fellow explorer spirit!!

(Dashiell asked me to type the exclamation mark!)

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  1. sherry

    What a wonderful vacation. Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    Fun adventure! I can see Dash loving it! He is such a sponge. Thanks for all the good photos.

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