It's all gotta go somewhere

Christmas for Halloween

October 31st. It was time to do something; Jeff had been talking about having a rower machine at home for months. I wasn’t convinced. First of all where would we put it? Couldn’t we find one used? Would it really see any use or just sit in the basement collecting dust and spiders?

Oh a whim we headed to an exercise equipment store, and that’s when I saw it: the Water Rower. Oh my gosh! Have you seen these? When you row,  a paddle inside a water tank rotates, making the most lovely relaxing sound of your “oar” pushing through the water.   There is no mechanical metal chain sound at all since there is no metal and no chain. While discussing the finer points of the machine,  which looks very un-industrial, its frame made of gorgeous ash wood, and it can be stood up and put in a closet for storage (no need to empty the water tank), D rowed thousands of meters. D, Jeff and I took turns rowing in the showroom and I could see we were going to be competing to use this thing. Jockeying for who gets to exercise next? That’s an investment I’ll never feel bad about!

Here is D this morning, rowing away. He went to bed with his exercise clothes on over his jammies so that he could get up and row first thing (up at 4:50am thank you Daylight savings).



The Switch Witch brought our family a rower AND of course a special toy for D, who chose 3 pieces of candy to keep and left the rest for S. Witch to collect.


Ms. Witch left D a Lego rocket with satellite, which D and J put together in the wee hours. Between rowing and engineering a space shuttle, it’s been a busy morning already, and it’s not even 9:00am.

(One Switch Witch master plan snag: D woke up in the night, remembered the impending visit of SW, and went downstairs to see what he got, then came to wake me up with the good news!)

Naps today!

P.S. A special shout-out to Maddy for introducing me to the concept of the Switch Witch years ago.



  1. sherry

    How cool is that??? Love the water sound and it’s a great way to develop leg and arm muscles. He is so cute, rowing away.

  2. Grandma Beverly

    I have this glimpse into the future: Dash is off to college and the captain of the rowing team.

    • Maida

      Right!?? He’ll be tall enough, that’s for sure.

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