It's all gotta go somewhere

Smiles Are Made Out of the Sunshine

D has been very energized by Kindergarten, maybe even more so since full days started. He’s been singing songs with quite significant gusto (I’m not sure his “extra-personal” intelligence needs any refining).

Here he is doing his best Ethyl Merman, in this song by Roy Rogers.

Here is one version of the actual song lyrics!

Don’t forget smiles are made out of the sunshine,
And a frown from a rainy day,
You’ll be more than repaid if you remember,
That a smile goes a long, long way.

When trouble troubles you,
Just turn on the sun,
And see how fast the melancholies can run,

Don’t forget smiles are made out of the sunshine,
And a smile goes a long, long way.


Here is a  dispatch from teacher Katherine.

Dear Kalama Families,

Happy January! The kids are adjusting to the longer days and some new routines have begun. At the end of each day, we share “Orchids and Onions”—Orchids are things that are positive, and onions are things that are less than positive. A favorite high school teacher of mine began the tradition for me, and it was certainly a favorite of mine. The kids seem to have really taken to the practice and it is fun to hear what they have to share.

Now that our days have lengthened, the literacy portion of our day has lengthened a bit as well. The kids have been split into four groups for reading. As a result, we can teach specific skills and concepts that will build on their current knowledge and need.  We continue to write daily during “Writer’s Workshop.” The kids are currently working on true stories with a beginning, middle, and ending. Handwriting has been added also. You will likely be seeing a lot of letter writing practice sheets coming homeJ They do not need to be returned to school.

The Gardner School does not send mandatory homework in Kindergarten, but there will be math games and practice activities that come home from time to time. These can help to strengthen concepts the kids have been learning. They do not need to be returned to school either.

We continue to have choice time in the afternoon. Time to play without adult structure helps children to build self regulation skills in addition to countless other benefits.

It is exciting to know that while most of the country is moving away from extended time for children to engage in play, our school is committed to providing that time for optimal social, cognitive and emotional development!

In February we will be having an all day Open Choice. Today kids voted on classes that they would like to take. There were five choices with two being field trips. If your child is placed in one of those two classes, you will be notified and given information from the teachers leading those courses. It should be great fun!

Have a great week. Thanks for sharing your kids each day. They certainly make life richer.




  1. Grandma Beverly

    Oh my, I laughed til I cried! Even though I’ve watched it several times, I gotta go watch it again!

  2. Grandma Lori

    Oh my!!! Words fail me! How can anyone ever top this! Instant love!

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