It's all gotta go somewhere

Young American

America was the theme of this year’s Music Night…


This is good timing, since the Loowiters are studying the States.

Considering the upheaval of the Presidential election, there was more gravitas in the air than might have been there; it was painfulĀ to see these bright faces singing proudly about freedom and equality when those very virtues are currently at stake.

On the other hand, the voices carried a fighting spirit as well, which will serve these young people well. And we adults may need to look to them for inspiration, in these dark times.







  1. Grandma Beverly

    In light of the turmoil our nation is in today, these innocent patriotic children singing about our flag and the rainbow of our citizens brought me to tears. I am more than concerned about the future for these wonderful children. I am worried. I am ashamed of the lack of humanity exhibited by many stirring hatred. I am embarrassed for our nation. These children are our future. Let’s hope their fighting spirit can do a better job than this generation and get our nation and our Earth healthy.

    You did a great job videoing . Dash was front and center. He knew every word and sang with confidence and charm. What a sweetie! I miss him and hope we can arrange a time soon to visit.

  2. Sherry

    Wonderful, gave me the chills, they are so young and sweet. Very stirring. Thank you for sharing.

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