It's all gotta go somewhere


Every evening D has a few minutes of “FAST” reading/spelling homework. We read aloud for 15 minutes and work on our spelling words. Monday’s evening task is always to cut out the spelling words, so you can interact with them by pinching out the sounds (D never does this but I think it is a nice analogy to the magnetic boards they use to build words in class).

I now have a rather large and unruly pile of paper words laying around the house.


Naturally we have used these to make up silly sentences. 


On Fridays there is a spelling test in class, so on Thursday evenings we do a test exam, and I grade them. D strives every time for an “A+”, which means each word is spelled correctly and the handwriting is as good as it can be.

Nov 2016 spelling

Xmas 2016 spelling


Jan 2017 handwriting



  1. Grandma Beverly

    Dash is a serious student! Striving for A+ and doing the work to achieve it is admirable. Loved the sleep in note from Mom but I have to point out that Dashiell has better penmanship! LOL

    • Maida

      So true! I gave up on my handwriting years ago but I should strive to make it clearer when I write to D! 🙂

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