It's all gotta go somewhere

Culminating Event Spring 2017

The Loowits completed their Animals unit today and we all gathered at school for Culminating Event to see presentations, hear songs, and learn more about habitats.

As a whole, it was an inspiring and reassuring day, since the sprit of the event was more like what it had been in past years. The quality of the presentations was very high and the essence of (former school head) Mark’s legacy was reprised in a group sing along of “Have a Nice Day.” While we can’t go back in time, and the school wouldn’t be a fit for him now anyway, it was nice to know that I am not the only person that noticed something had been…missing. Mark was the glue that tied together the curriculum and he left big shoes to fill. 

A welcome burst of energy also came from our new upper-grades music teacher Jason, who worked with the Klickitat (5th and 6th graders) on a hilarious blues-infused song that they performed, with more instruments than I’ve ever seen on that stage, about the elements of a cell. I hope someone videotaped it so I can share it here (stay tuned).  

The Loowiters had 2 performances in their classroom in which they sang a song about habitats, and then gave presentations at their “home” habitat, sharing what they learned about that habitat, and presenting a book they wrote about “their” animal. 


With Rainbow Trout in Waterfall, and Rainbow Trout Book

Loowit Ceramic Owls

My Animal Haiku





  1. Grandma Beverly

    Dash is one sharp dresser. I love the red shoes! His drawings of the rainbow trout were excellent…good details, accurate colors and very realistic. I could tell he took his time and really studied all the details of the fish. My mother loved owls. She would really enjoy Dash’s owl. I especially liked his choice of colors and the texture. Good job, Dash!

    • Maida

      Hi Beverly! Thanks for your comment.

      When the owl leaves the school comes home to roost, we will name it after your mother 🙂

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