It's all gotta go somewhere

My Independence

In the past few months, Dashiell has been eager to practice “my independence.” 

I think this topic was much-discussed in the run up to the Loowit class overnight trip (no parents allowed!), ZooSnooze.

All packed for overnight


Adding my overnight things to farmhouse porch


While we adults all knew our kiddos would be fine without us and were in capable and experienced hands with the teachers, the westside of Portland can seem like it’s awfully far away. So in case of an emergency, a few of us Moms had our own sleepover downtown Portland. We went out to a fancy dinner and bedded down at the historic Embassy Suites Portland, a place I highly recommend, for its comfy, large and very quiet rooms, saltwater pool, and free  (and delicious) breakfast.  

Before the trip, the kids made tie-dyed shirts in Art class with teacher Jane. The shirts got packed and all the kiddos wore them on the day they work up in the zoo, which I think is such a cool idea for bonding everyone together.


Loowit class 1st and 2nd graders, at the Zoo, with teacher Jackie, Michelle and Amelia


Since the big overnight, D has really wanted to do things for himself, and once or twice has creatively tried to get something he wanted by making the case that  getting/doing that thing would “increase his independence.”  Ha!

But without even mentioning his independence, he has started to do things on his own. A couple weeks ago he thought we could have a picnic dinner outside. He made dinner for us all: Pb & j! 

I’ve also noticed how he’s trying to pick up his room, get dressed without having to be asked, and more often than not, listening (and responding) the first time something is asked of him.  

So much has happened since I drafted this blog post a month ago,  and all of that has shaped him, too…more in future posts!


  1. Grandma Beverly

    He looks so “grown up”. I’m super proud of him in developing his independence! A part of me is sad because he is growing up so fast. Even though he is almost 7, he looks, acts and processes things more like 10. His school is nothing short of magical! A perfect match for Dashiells needs.

    Can’t wait to see all of you!

    • sherry

      I was thinking the same thing. He is looking more adult and behavior too is more mature!!

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