It's all gotta go somewhere

Addition, Day 112

A whirlwind…a lot can be accomplished in just a few weeks, with multiple threads going at the same time. The new addition is shingled. The arbor is mostly built. We have new hardwood floors, and a tile floor in the mudroom, the kitchen cabinets are installed and level, the sinks are here, and the countertops have been templated! Oh, and the appliances are here, and the backsplash tile, too! Somewhere in there Jeff managed to go to Denver for his new job at Enbala while D had a Trackers camp in Portland…!


Now that things are falling into place, it’s really starting to feel real. We are starting to picture living in the space and interacting with the cabinets and appliances. This week we are using the mudroom as a place for D to take of his dusty baseball clothes.




1 Comment

  1. Grandma Beverly

    I’m so glad all the pieces are coming together! It’s is going to be so fabulous! I can’t wait to see it! I know I will Ooh and awe.

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