It's all gotta go somewhere

Your Surprise, Part II

Beverly sent several special gifts to the house for D after she left, letting us know we could save some for his birthday. We stashed some away, but one in particular was just too large to hide for long. So, last weekend, while D napped, the best Daddy in the world got to work, prepping a big surprise…


We got D up, we told him he had a surprise outside.

Daddy got a grateful kiss.

Then we headed out to road test this cool vintage pedal car:


Trying to pedal

Trying to pedal


When we got home he recapped: “That’s Great! We went faster and faster! I love my surprise!”

He is not really getting the pedaling thing. This weekend we took it out again and decided we’ll try again when he’s older. For now it is fun to ring the bell and admire the chrome and white-walled tires.

Thank you Grandma for this awesome surprise!!


  1. sherry

    That’s a fantastic gift! Good work Grandma Beverly. Just perfect for our little fireman. And good work to Dad, what a great one.

  2. Grandma Bubba

    Wow, he looks so cute in that thing. I could hear that bell ring! Hope it wasn’t too much of a pain to put together. Glad it is done and hope he gets to enjoy it this summer. He is so smart. He’ll figure out the pedaling

    Thank you for the pictures!!!! Love them!

    Jan will enjoy the quilt highlighted. She really worked hard on it. Very pretty.

    Love you all!! .

  3. Grandma Lori

    So adorable!!

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