It's all gotta go somewhere

Let Me Tell You About My Boat

Jeff is building a small boat in the garage, because…well, because of course he is.

Actually I think his interest in rowing was rekindled after we watched The Boys of 36, a beautiful film based on the book The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown (thank you to Stacey Ostrin, Ember’s mom, and former rower, for giving us a copy!)

We had a playdate recently at our house with our old Goddard pals Ember and Emmett, and their parents (Stacey & Jeff, and Quoc & Chow). This turned into a day-long affair, during which we all took turns hanging out in the basement, working out on the water rower. Ember blew us all away by rowing a couple thousand meters (in a few sittings), and even her little sister Sydney (3) rowed enough to moisten the hair on her forehead. The natural interest the kids have in rowing makes sense; it’s so mechanical and inviting (who can resist: pull here!), and the machine is on the floor, on their level. The sound of the water swooshing around it also relaxing.

Here are the boys working away yesterday. After the job safety briefing, D donned work gloves and helped hold up some wood while Jeff made a long cut with the jigsaw, and then after the cutting, helped sand the edges. He was sanding away when Sidney, our pal next door, lured him away to her backyard. He asked her if she wanted to sand instead; I think D was a bit disappointed to learn this activity did not ignite the imagination of his friend.


I love these photos, but wanted to highlight what I think is a special portrait I took of D on his way to the garage. Recently his face has changed (and his voice, too), and I can see the new shape of his face in this great shot.


Boatbuilding Sept 2016 (Age 6)




  1. Lori

    Building a boat or keeping an old MG running. Great father and son bonding!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    Wish I was there to help! I’m so pleased to see the boys creating something with their hands…a boat no less. Nothing better than Father and Son working together. (Unless, of course, it’s Mom and Son cooking together in the kitchen). Love all the safety gear. Would love to see photos of the different stages of construction. Get the wine bottle ready for launch day!

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