This year we had much to be thankful for, although our celebrations were somewhat dimmed by our political team not crossing the Finish Line, the political climate, illness, and overwork/working on the holiday (silly Mom)…
Still, we have our family and friends to laugh (and despair) with.
We travelled to Burlington, Iowa to see G & G Weiss, Uncle Chris and beau Melissa, cousins Eva and Murphy, and Hal, Cheryl and daughter Lauren Hunt, which was a real treat. I loved catching up with Lauren and picking her brain about jewelry, and we all shared much laughter. D did a sleepover at G & G’s house, without us (first time!), camping out in the basement with his cousin Murphy. That was simply thrilling for him. He idolizes Murphy, who is a gentle and kind older mentor. The two played for hours together.
In this snap you can see Don’s framed photographs that were in his first solo art exhibit (congrats again Don!)
D had what we thought was just a cold when we left town and flew to Chicago, but by the day after Thanksgiving he was quite sick. A visit to Urgent Care revealed he had a double ear infection!
We didn’t know he was that sick when we ran the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, and looking back I can see that is was probably a mistake for D to run his first-ever 5k in very cold weather, with a headcold (he said he was hot, but it was super windy and cold, the way it is in the Midwest).
D came in with an excellent time of about 40 minutes–not bad for having not trained at all, likely having an ear infection, and not being on his home turf. Here is the moment he crossed the finish line, with Dad right behind (I didn’t finish, because I was worried that if I did, I’d miss D finishing–he was too far ahead of me to catch up!)
Finally, I am so proud to showcase D’s beautiful artwork made in art class for Thanksgiving. It’s a watercolor piece, mounted on a folder card:
I think the lines of the pumpkin are very realistic. He sketched the pumpkin first then applied watercolors. I particularly like the color mixing going in the lower right-hand corner, making the pumpkin’s shadow. Ever since art teacher Jane complimented him on his good color mixing and put his Sunflower in the school calendar, D has concentrated on making interesting backgrounds! You can see too here that he is grasping perspective.
Dash has ” The Look.” I’m not talking about just the running gear. I’m talking about the look in his eye, the determination, the confidence and the pride. He will need a journal to document his running accomplishments. So glad you got his finish on video!
Good job to Dad, too.