It's all gotta go somewhere

Addition: Days 58-62

When we planned our vacation to Mexico, we chose the week we did thinking the crew could get a week ahead while we relaxed away from the dust, noise and general confusion. But it turned out our General Contractor was also going to Mexico for Spring Break, and he wouldn’t permit any work to be done with us both out of town, should an accident occur.

So we lost that week, plus about another week due to the structural issue. The structural issue has been addressed with the addition of a new beam between the mudroom and the kitchen, but has thrown off our plans for storage in the mudroom, so it’s back to the drawing board for that…

Here are some up-to-date snaps that show the demo progress: the studs are gone and there is a new support beam holding up the length of the wall; the two little archway walls in the old kitchen are gone, and you can see the new support mean and framed wall between the mudroom exterior door and the back of the kitchen. Also there is a shot of the skylights, which were completed just before we left for Spring Break (there was a delay with these as there was some kind of fit issue that had to be fixed).


Major kudos to Jeff, who saved the day when he noticed Tuesday night that the new vertical support beam by the mudroom was in the wrong place, and actually needed to be moved several inches over to line up with the wall. He also noticed the swing of the back door was wrong. The contractor agreed that the beam was in the wrong place on the drawing and that the wrong door had been shipped (it’s still the wrong swing in these photos). Wrong position of the beam is not pictured here.




  1. Lori

    Love to see the updates. So exciting to see how the addition is coming together!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    Can’t wait to see it finished!

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