It's all gotta go somewhere

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Hungry for Words

Our little bunny is expressing himself with distinction! Here are some recent gems.

“Maybe someday we can get married together…because we’re good dancers.” (stated to Mom, while dancing to Despicable Me 2’s version of the wedding standard YMCA)

“Is this the wrapping paper of the blueberry?” (holding up berry’s skin)

“I didn’t eat all of my lunch. When you look in my lunch box, you’ll see what I mean.”

“Let’s read ‘Counterpane’.” (referring to Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem, Land of Counterpane)

Here he is reciting a song that was new to me, this evening during hand-washing! I was very surprised to understand each word the first time through.

The Adventures of Sam & Penny

Dashiell loves to watch Fireman Sam, and he takes the characters to heart. He’s taken to referring to himself as “Sam” and to his caretaker pal Shelli as “Penny.” This is high praise indeed; he always cheers when Penny is featured in a scene and anxiously awaits her heroics, like diving into the icy waters off Wales to rescue someone.

When our previous sitter Rhanda had to leave us unexpectedly, Shelli was there to save the day, so it’s a fitting nickname. Thank you Shelli! We are so grateful for you.

Shelli started a sweet notebook chronicling the Adventures of Sam and Penny! Here is an excerpt.


For Christmas, Shelli got D in the act of gift-giving. D was quite proud of himself and proudly handed each present to us. Here is the wrapping paper they made for the framed photo gifts.



We are looking forward to all the adventures 2014 will bring.




Crackers for Christmas

“That’s what I just wanted for Christmas!”

“Crackers” are again a big hit (devoted readers of this blog may recall last year’s post)

The “marble game” D remarks upon seeing the truffles is a result of us playing the Solitaire marbles game in this year’s Jacquie Lawson Edwardian-era inspired advent calendar. D and I got quite addicted, so we were pleased to find a physical (non-edible!) version of the game under the tree this year. See some gorgeous antique versions of this lovely game here.

I Love the Mountains

D participated in his school’s “Culminating Event” today — a fancy phrase for a holiday open house. This was a chance for extended family, perhaps Grandparents in town for the holidays, to see a short program and visit all the classrooms in the school.

Mark McGough, head of school, warned us that some of the preschoolers may not even get on the stage, let alone sing, but D was all over it. The children sang two winter holiday songs, which were sweet, but then Mark brought out his guitar for a singalong — to a song I think they’d only practiced once or twice. It was fantastic! Here are the highlights, in 2 parts.

I love the mountains,
I love the rolling hills.
I love the fountains,
I love the daffodils.
I love the fireside,
When all the lights are low!
Boom-be-yada, boom-be-yada,
Boom-be-yada, boom-be-yada

P.S. please do not post the link to this post on any public website, especially Facebook or Twitter, to protect the privacy of the children, staff and parents featured in these videos.


Happiness Is

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,
A blood-red orange, sets again.

Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle, bathe and dress.

Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.

When to go out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.

Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding cake.

Winter-Time by Robert Louis Stevenson

And One More Thing, Santa

A couple times, D has mentioned writing out a Christmas list. One day recently, he even “wrote” out his items using one of those magic erase boards. I took dictation:

A new fire engine with lights and sounds. Not too big, ok Santa? Next, new construction vehicles. And a Jaguar with left-hand drive. Better puzzles, and more stuffed animals, that talk.”

Yes, a Jaguar (toy car) with left-hand drive! Grandpa Ed brought him one in October that is accurately British and thus features a right-hand drive…while this was novel he would like to use the Jag on our roads so this poses a problem in his mind!

He is asking for the stuffed animals that talk because currently I voice the thoughts for many of his animals. Often at bedtime, Bear “tells” stories. These have become very elaborate, culminating in a story of how Bear lost his voice: he was a real bear, in the woods, who wanted to live with a boy in a nice warm house. So he procured a magic potion from his friend Hare, followed the boy home and swallowed the potion, and turned into a stuffed animal. But all magic comes with a price, and his was losing his voice…

D got a chance to recite his list when we went to visit Santa in Kansas City. Here he is listing each item!

One More Thing, Santa

Santa Heard Me

Waiting in line, with Daddy…I just never get tired of seeing these two smile.

Ready for Santa


Kansas City Weiss Family Reunion, December 2013

The Men of Weiss

With GGma and GGpa

My Cousins

Living it up with Hal & Cheryl:

Getting the party started:

Now It's a Party
Now It's a Party 3
Now It's a Party 2

Thank you Lori and Don for being the ultimate hosts. It’s not every household where you can boogie with only your underpants on. We loved meeting Aunt Carol, Uncle Randy and cousin Connor from the Cleveland branch of the family!

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