It's all gotta go somewhere

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Goodbye, Goddard

This Thursday was our last day at what we’ll now call “the old school“. It was a bittersweet parting; D was held dear and supported very well this last season by 2 excellent teachers, Miss Erin and Miss Marina. On the other hand, it’s time to move on! Gardner, here we come (starting Wednesday).

This week, I got handed a giant stack of artwork, and the contents of a folder I didn’t know existed–a chronicle of milestones the teachers have been compiling these last 2 years. Although I knew they followed a curriculum, I didn’t know they were actually recording his performance in great detail! It’s a giant file, but here are some of the standouts.


(there’s several sheets for each month, broken down by subject area: Cognitive Skills/Math, Computer Lab, Creative Art, Language Arts, Music & Movement, Science & Nature Study, Self-Help/Life Skills. Each of these corresponds to a section in his “daily” paperwork that went home with him each day).

Besides these milestones, each month, Miss Erin higlighted something about D for the file. Here is a small sample:


I was really impressed at the time Miss Erin was taking to do this. Some of the others are very cute but I didn’t want to post them because the pictures show other children in a more obvious way and I want to protect their privacy. When you Grandmas are in town next I can haul out the folder, if you’re interested.

Here is an older entry, from Miss Cheryl’s room (D was almost 2 when the goldenrod colored note was written):


And one more winner, from the excellent Miss Bobbi (D 13 months old):


(the binders referred are these large 3 ring binders the teachers and assistants are always carrying around with them, which now I understand contain all those milestone paper matrices! I always wondered why they were so large, thinking they only contained the daily reports!)

Besides keeping the milestones, teachers also kept key pieces of art in his folder, which were examples of certain milestones having been met or attempted.

(on the back, Miss Erin wrote: “I enjoyed a new tactile experience when I stuck tissue paper to contact paper.”)

(“I used art as self expression when I used a spray bottle to apply paint to paper”)

In many ways the time has sped by, but I can also remember long days of worrying about his lack of sleep at school, racing to pick him up in time to nurse him, and managing to just get him there (we had several months of not wanting to attend at all). I am looking forward to a fresh start at Gardner’s 3-day program, which I know will enrich him in ways we can’t begin to predict (picture: a bright well-stocked art room, a music room with a piano keyboard for each child, a garden and wetlands to explore, places to roam), but also reduce the stress of shuffling through a M- F life.


A few weekends back, we had the great pleasure of hosting “Grandma” Sally and “Grandpa” Mike (my aunt and uncle) at our house, along with Daughter Abigail and mate Devon. It was a wonderful reunion (for me) and introduction for (D and Jeff). I think the last time I visited with Mike & Sally was before I could drive a car…let’s not wait so long again!


Regaling with nerd jokes


Traipsing thru Crown Road trail


One for the scrapbook


Then next weekend we met with son David (my cousin) at Abby and Devon’s house. We were treated to a fancy breakfast in their lovely place. I am so glad to have you nearby, Abby! I love talking to you, David–I think we are kindred spirits. Hope life in Peru is treating you well.





D Does the Duck Walk

The Young Gymnast jumps, rolls, follows directions with incredible attention, and waves up to us the stands occasionally, calling, “Hi Mommy, hi Daddy!”


I was struck at the second class by how well Dashiell can mirror what the teacher is doing. I think he has a good sense of his body already thanks to being exposed to yoga at preschool. He is willing to keep trying also, which I am happy to see, because I notice at home he often pleads with me to do things for him that I know he could do if he would try a bit more (working on that). So I am very glad we found this class, because I think it’s good for his confidence, and the foundation of skills translates to sports, dance, and even posture. And it will be great when the rain comes, when we can’t run around outside as easily…

Birthday Week

When your birthday falls on a Monday, you get to celebrate it all week, right?

We started things off right the weekend before with gymnastics class (see next post), fun times in the yard, and opening a present or two each day. D also helped bake his birthday cupcakes.

Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and goodies. We got so many packages that D now expects to have received something each time we pull in the driveway…”There a package for me?” We read each card and talked about who sent them; the cards from Aunt Amanda and cousin Victor made a big impression (firetruck, Thomas). D was so excited to receive real paint brushes (I have retired the baster) and new paints to experiment with that we painted all weekend. “Aunt” Jannine sent a coat that he has worn eagerly each chilly morning (so proud!); receiving it reminded him of a the backpack she’d given him back in January (!).

What is not pictured here is the bounty of books we received from Grandma Lori and Grandpa Weiss–thank you! We are gobbling them up with enthusiasm. Pictures to come! At some point we opened the remainder of Grandma’s Beverly’s firefighter-related gifts and they were quickly put to good use (D always has one of the firefighter toys in his hand and they also come with us in the car, in the crib, etc.).

On Sunday night we held an impromptu birthday party, 2013 style…

Birthday Party with 2 Grandmas

iPad Art

We have been amazed by the artwork Grandma Beverly is making on her iPad!

These drawings bring the photos to life in a new dimension. I love what you’ve done with the colors.

Beverly, you’ve inspired me to think of ways to give Dashiell easier access to the easel…I am starting to leave everything out so he can create when he feels like it.

I’m crossing my fingers that he has inherited your artistic talents!

All Winners Summer 2013

Picture catch up…

Cooking with Cars

Cooking with Cars

Switching Tracks With Daddy

Switching Tracks With Daddy

At the Beach (Cottonwood Beach on the Columbia River)

At the Beach (Cottonwood Beach on the Columbia River)


Firefighter duds--Thanks Grandma Beverly!

Firefighter duds–Thanks Grandma Beverly!


Zoo Safari

Zoo Safari

Zoo Train

Zoo Train

Our Beautiful City

Our Beautiful City

Zoo Train through Forest Park

Zoo Train through Forest Park


Orange Orator

Dashiell is exploding with new words and physical skills. Last Saturday we took him to a gymnastics class–just to try it. Jumping, running and falling–yes! He really responded. Although he was in a class with older kids (3 1/2 – 5) he was able to do everything they did, mostly due to his height, except somersaults, which eluded him. He’s learning everything so quickly, he may have it mastered by the next class. He kept trying to do them yesterday afternoon…

His speech and memory continue to surprise all of us. One of his teachers remarked that she was quite amazed that D could remember plans so far into the future–like on Monday understanding what we would do this coming Saturday. Every day he makes a plan for what we’re going to do after I pick him up (he’s often trying to strike a bargain that includes a visit to the park or the car wash), and apparently in the course of the day he tells everyone the plan. Then the next day they ask him about it, and he’s able to recount what we did or didn’t do. This planning has led to a series of new expressions and questions: “No, that doesn’t sound like a very good plan” or “I have a question for you. When you pick me up, please we can go to Grass Valley Park?” or “When I wake up in the morning, we go to the airport, ok, Mommy?” Lately: “At my birthday party we…” or “You have ice cream for me?” Or, my favorite: “That’s too much, Mommy. Let’s just go to the airport instead.”

Visiting the airport continues to be his all-time favorite thing. Each time we go we discover something we never knew was there, like conference rooms, bathrooms tucked away (quiet!), and we usually have an encounter with a new musician, like a pianist or guitarist. Live music has begun to capture his attention and to my surprise he will watch performances for quite some time. We listen to lots of music at home and almost every night we do “dance party” to transition to the bath (naked dancing to jazz music). Lately he is fascinated with the musicians Mr. Rogers visits, like the Marsalis family or Yo Yo Ma. He has been working on naming each instrument: tuba, trombone, stand up bass, guitar, and of course: ukulele.

Jeff got a ukulele a few weeks ago and it’s been a large focus of our family time. He’s teaching himself to play via videos and books, and it’s something he and D can both learn together. Here we are showing the uke to “Aunt” Cindy and “Uncle” Lee.



And here is a short clip of D trying his hand:

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