It's all gotta go somewhere

Our Bunny

Our sweet little bunny really got into Easter. In preparing for the holiday we revisited The Golden Egg Book and have talked a lot about the mysterious contents of those eggs:

Once there was a little bunny.
He was all alone.
One day he found an egg.
He could hear something moving inside the egg.
What was it?
Maybe a little boy.
Maybe another bunny.
Maybe an elephant. (Dashiell always votes for that one)
Maybe a mouse.
Who could tell what he would find?
And how would a little bunny know?

Yes, how would a little bunny know? Well this little bunny now knows about “candy” which he discovered at a local park, who organized the event. They laid out 4,000 eggs for the little ones to “find.” Then they got to run off the chocolate in the gorgeous hilly park, on a perfect warm Spring day.

Afterwards we headed up the street for a nice lunch at The Kennedy School, where I couldn’t resist taking some stills of glorious light in the beautiful old building.

The next day, on Easter Sunday, I got up before the boys and hid more eggs at our house, to continue the fun. Only 1 of mine had a candy surprise–the rest, fluffy baby chicks and bunnies. Then we went out to Easter brunch to see the Real Easter Bunny himself (D wary at first, then excited)!

(Included here are also pictures from getting ready for school on Good Friday–D twigged that dressing up was in order, so we picked out a formal outfit with shiny black “dress up” shoes. He loved wearing those special shoes. At pickup, his favorite teacher told me that when it was nap time, he resisted. She told him that, in that case, she’d have to take his special shoes away. He immediately went to sleep!).


  1. sherry

    What a wonderful Easter. The pictures are adorable!

  2. Grandma Bubba

    Dash is so adorable! What great memories! Loved all the pictures! Thanks!

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